"Mike and Corey exchange experiences as they profile the book "Deep Survival," Who Lives, Who dies, and Why by author Lawrence Gonzales.
1. Be here now—no other thought than the present. Keep an up-to-date mental model of changing conditions.
2. Everything takes eight times as long as it’s supposed to. It’s the friction rule.
3. Mistake - Make a plan and worship the plan despite changing conditions. More and more effort will somehow overcome the friction.
4. The more complex the plan for overcoming friction, the worse things get.
5. "We live like fish in an aquarium. We are the domestic pets of a human zoo we call civilization. Then we go into nature, where we are least among equals. There we are put to the test. Most of us get out unscathed, which can make us even more vulnerable to the ever-changing conditions before us—even arrogant. We have been there, and done that."
"Mike and Corey exchange experiences as they profile the book "Deep Survival," Who Lives, Who dies, and Why by author Lawrence Gonzales.
1. Be here now—no other thought than the present. Keep an up-to-date mental model of changing conditions.
2. Everything takes eight times as long as it’s supposed to. It’s the friction rule.
3. Mistake - Make a plan and worship the plan despite changing conditions. More and more effort will somehow overcome the friction.
4. The more complex the plan for overcoming friction, the worse things get.
5. "We live like fish in an aquarium. We are the domestic pets of a human zoo we call civilization. Then we go into nature, where we are least among equals. There we are put to the test. Most of us get out unscathed, which can make us even more vulnerable to the ever-changing conditions before us—even arrogant. We have been there, and done that."